6cups All purpose flour or bread flour

1/3 cup brown sugar

1/2 tsp salt

1Tbsp instant dry yeast

1 cup evaporated milk

1 cup water

2 eggs

4 Tbsp vegetable oil

1/4 cup softened butter

fine breadcrumbs for coating


3/4 cup butter or margarine

1/2 cup brown sugar

1 cup bread crumbs

Mix all the ingredients:

Knead for about 15-20minutes until dough

is elastic and smooth

add softened butter while kneading form a ball and put into oiled bowl

let it rise for 45 minutes

after 45minutes punchdown the dough to remove air bubbles

Gentle flaten each portion of dough then add filling then roll the dough into a log

coat with fine breadcrumbs and arrange into a baking pan and let it rise again for 20minutes

bake into a preheated oven for 25minutes at 160c

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